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Sound Design Portfolio II: Image
Sound Design Portfolio II: Video



For class we worked on game based on a graveyard where you go around and gather orbs to free souls trapped in a giant orb on a temple. Before I began working on this project I had no clue how much work it took to create the sounds for the games that I love to play. I learned how to design foley sounds and implement them into A sound bank for a game. Now that I know how to design sounds and implement them into games it opens up the opportunities that I am available to do for my career path if I choose to do something other than what I initially started for which is running a studio but I feel like the skills that I have gained can also call under the same category of what I was originally planning to do it just expands the things that I am capable of doing. 
Some of the challenges working with this project were the bit depth and the temple torch ignites I think that the torch ignites were the most difficult because they were not sounding how I wanted them to sound and everything I tried to use would sound a little off

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This is where the temple where the torch ignites are and one of the most difficult things I had trouble with mainly because I didn't think it sounded good enough but its really about personal preference.

Temple Orb

This is where all the souls are trapped at and once you gather all the orbs you can return to release the souls.

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These are the orbs that you go around and search for to release the souls. Happy Hunting!

Sound Design Portfolio II: Products
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